The Physics Alive Podcast

Episode #18
ReImagining: Final Exam Week
During final exam week, student activities groups across the nation provide experiences that will help reduce student stress. But in this episode, the spotlight is pointed at the high stakes, cumulative exams themselves, and the flurry of late semester assignments that generate these stress loads. Let’s reimagine final exam week. Are traditional final exams really a meaningful and appropriate way to end the academic year or can we create a finale that sends students off in grand style? Let’s consider some alternatives and why we might want to try something new.
Episode Notes and Resources
Articles and web links from the episode:
- Sleep and Final exam performance
- Two-stage exams
- Kelly O’Shea’s Collaborative Lab Practicum
- Epic Finales
- Karinda Barrett’s Concept Mapping finale
- General alternatives to traditional testing
- Berkley Center for Teaching and Learning
- And many others!
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