The Physics Alive Podcast

Episode #26
2021 Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching with Anne Cox
Today's Guest
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced that Anne J. Cox will receive the 2021 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching. This award is given in recognition of contributions to undergraduate physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students.
Anne is Professor of Physics at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. She graduated magna cum laude with her B.S. in Physics at Rhodes College, where she was the only female physics major, and earned her Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Virginia. She began teaching at Eckerd College in 1995 and has been a dedicated teacher and researcher at the Physics Department, with her appointment as Professor in Physics in 2006.
Anne’s current research interests are curriculum development and pedagogical strategies to enhance student learning using technology. She is a contributing author of Physlet Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems for Introductory Physics and co-author of Physlet Quantum Physics, both now available on AAPT ComPADRE. In addition, she is the author or co-author of over a dozen papers on the pedagogical use of technology, with papers appearing in The Physics Teacher and Physics Education.
Learn more about Anne Cox at:
Episode Notes and Resources
Halliday and Resnick award announcement
Learn more about Anne’s work:
- 2020 Excellence in Physics Education Award for Open source physics
- Physlets
- Open Source Physics
- Mentoring for Women Physicists