The Physics Alive Podcast

Episode #4

Are we playing by rules that don't exist?

“If no rules about content and grading existed, what would you do? I truly believe that we can do anything. The possibilities are endless.” In this episode, I acknowledge the COVID-19 world crisis and the stress that both teachers and students are under. We are all working hard to keep up in an extraordinary time. Even under normal circumstances, teachers are chronically stressed and often experience burnout. The rules of education are stifling and lead to exhaustion. But what if we are playing by rules that don’t exist? I pose that the content we cover, the assignments we grade, and the lectures we deliver on stage are products of our own belief system, which is shaped by stagnant tradition. What if we see through those beliefs into a classroom, a world, where anything is possible? I challenge listeners to reconsider where they spend their time and effort, and I suggest small steps for making big changes right now.

Episode Notes and Resources

Sample grading alternatives:

Sample video channels that could provide flipped classroom content.  Many, many more possibilities are out there!

Modeling Instruction is an alternative approach in the science classroom, and it often encourages less grading.

Brad’s commentary about teaching an AP Physics class at Deerfield Academy during the 2018-2019 academic year:

What can I do right now?

  • Stop, pause, and consider: what stories, beliefs, assumptions are you operating under?  Are you playing by rules that don’t actually exist?
  •  Imagine: If no rules about content and grading exist, what would you do? Imagine something wild and totally out there. What would you LOVE to do, to teach? What do you think is truly best for your students?
  • Simple action steps:
    1. Consider dropping ONE chapter from the textbook. 
    2. Consider NOT grading ONE particular category on your syllabus (e.g. homework, lab reports).
    3. Consider replacing one video that you record each week with ONE video or piece of content that you find online.

Most importantly, ask yourself: Am I playing by rules that don’t exist? What if I could do anything I wanted? What would that be? How can I make that happen?

The possibilities are limitless. If we go into it with passion and belief and conviction and care for the well-being and betterment of ourselves, our families, and our students, then the naysayers and powers that be will be blown over, and they make way for this amazing endeavor.  Yes, it’s going to be amazing. I know it.


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