The Physics Alive Podcast

Episode #15
Interactive Video and Pivot with Peter Bohacek
Pivot Interactives are complete learning modules for students that are available online. Many of them center on interactive video, which is a video where students can observe an event and then engage with the video by changing variables and taking measurements. These can be a great teaching tool during a regular school year, but during a global pandemic they stand out as a way to provide remote labs in a meaningful and valuable way. Today I’m speaking with Peter Bohacek, high school physics teacher and co-founder of Pivot Interactives. Learn all about how they work, the best ways to use them in the classroom, and the research that supports their efficacy.
Today's Guest:
Peter Bohacek
Peter Bohacek is a co-founder of Pivot Interactives. He’s been in the physics classroom since 2000 and has a love of discovering ways that technology can help students learn science. Peter began using interactive video with his own students in 2010. The results were so promising, he was compelled to further explore and expand the capability of these videos.
Episode Notes and Resources
Check out Pivot Interactives! Made by teachers FOR teachers.
You can also find helpful information through Vernier
Enjoy their 30-day free trial
Read the research education paper by Bohacek and Vonk